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Selasa, 01 April 2014

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Assassin's Creed Liberation HD

Assassin's Creed Liberation HD

Assassin's Creed Liberation is a historical action-adventure open world stealth video game developed and published by Ubisoft, initially as an exclusive title for PlayStation Vita. Sony announced the game at its press conference during the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012, few days after first leaks about the game presented in Game Informer.[7] It was released on October 30, 2012 alongside Assassin's Creed III, with which it can be linked.[8]

The game was re-released as Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows via the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade and Steam, respectively.[5][9]

The game is set between 1765 and 1777, and primarily features the series' first female protagonist, Aveline de Grandpré, an African-French Assassin around the end of the French and Indian War, in 18th century New Orleans.


Liberation makes use of the Vita's touchscreen and rear touch pad, cameras and gyroscope. These include Chain Kill combat, and the ability to pickpocket people.[10] By linking the game to Assassin's Creed III, the player will receive an in-game version of Connor's tomahawk, an exclusive character skin, a multiplayer character and a complete upgrade of all ammunition pouches.[8] The game uses the same engine that runs Assassin's Creed III, allowing for the same gameplay experience as a console release. Aveline also has her own, new, set of animations as well as have the ability to dual-wield weapons, such as the new blowpipe as well as the familiar swords, knives, pistols and hidden blade



Game Information:

Title: Assassin’s Creed® Liberation HD
Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Ubisoft Sofia
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release Date: 15 Jan 2014
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish
Size: 3.27 GB

Minimum System Requirements:

Operating System: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / 8
Processor: Intel Core i5 @ 2.5 GHz or higher
Memory: 2 GB of RAM (4 GB for Vista & Win 7 / 8)
Graphics Card: 1 GB (Nvidia 8800 GT) Pixel Shader 3.0
Hard Disk: 4 GB free disk space
Sound Card DirectX® 9.0c compatible
DirectX® 9.0

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Senin, 31 Maret 2014


Battle Realms RIP

Battle Realms adalah sebuah game strategi yang menggunakan mode permainan real time produksi Ubisoft tahun 2001. Game ini menggunakan latar belakang mitologi Jepang. Dalam permainan ini akan ditemukan karakter-karakter seperti samurai, ninja, werewolf, dan pendekar Geisha.
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Ulasan Game

Battle Realms mengikuti rumus dasar bagi banyak real-time strategy game. Seluruh fraksi memiliki bangunan yang serupa yang sama menggunakan dan pekerja. Namun, tidak seperti dalam kebanyakan real-time strategy game, unit pekerja petani tidak hanya digunakan untuk mengumpulkan sumber daya dan konstruksi, tetapi juga untuk pelatihan ke unit-unit militer. Dengan demikian, bangunan militer di Battle Realms tidak digunakan untuk membuat unit, tetapi untuk mengubah dan penataran mereka. Petani mengumpulkan dua sumber daya dalam permainan: beras dan air. Mereka juga mengumpulkan kuda, yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan daya tempur unit militer dalam permainan dan dapat dilengkapi sebagai kuda pak untuk petani untuk meningkatkan efesiensi kerja.

Petani adalah satu-satunya pemain unit dapat menghasilkan langsung. Sebagian besar bangunan yang tersedia adalah struktur pelatihan di mana petani dilatih menjadi kebanyakan unit lainnya. Semua fraksi memulai dengan 3 dasar struktur pelatihan pusat, yang memproduksi unit yang berbeda pula. Dalam kebanyakan fraksi atau klan , unit dapat dilatih pada 3 struktur untuk menghasilkan tingkatan yang lebih tinggi.

Bangunan tertentu dapat mengajar teknik-teknik khusus, atau Gears, pada unit untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tempur mereka untuk biaya sumber daya tertentu. Hal ini juga memungkinkan unit untuk mengalahkan unit lain dengan tingkat yang lebih tinggi biasanya mereka mendapat kemampuan khusus yang dapat merugikan musuh lain meskipun musuh itu berada pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi. BGS (Battle Gears) juga memungkinkan pemain untuk lebih menentukan peran unit akan bermain dalam sebuah situasi tempur, seperti divisi perlindungan, divisi kerusakan bangunan, atau divisi pengintaian.

Salah satu elemen kunci dari Battle Realms adalah Yin / Yang sistem. Setiap tentara mendapatkan poin dari Yin atau Yang ketika dalam pertempuran, tergantung pada moral dan aliansi mereka (baik atau jahat) tipe kekuatan pun terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu kekuatan-kekuatan cahaya atau kegelapan. Ying Yang ini dapat digunakan pula untuk membangkitkan pahlawan dalam setiap klan atau fraksi. Pahlawan Battle Realms, memerlukan Yin / Yang untuk dipanggil dan untuk dipanggil ulang apabila mereka mati. Yin dan Yang juga digunakan pada militer fraksi untuk upgrade militer. Tingkat pertumbuhan Yin / Yang tergantung pada kekuatan militer dan bakat dari tentara dan seberapa sering mereka berperang.

Ada empat marga atau klan tersedia di Battle Realms, dan masing-masing memiliki filosofi yang berbeda terhadap kehidupan dan perang. Klan Naga/Dragon bertempur secara hormat dan memiliki keberanian tinggi, sementara cabang lainnya, klan Ular/Serpent, siluman, tipu muslihat dan kebrutalan untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuannya. Lotus klan adalah kelompok kuno ahli-ahli sihir dan berusaha menggali lebih dalam ke aspek-aspek yang merusak sihir. Terakhir adalah Wolf klan yaitu ras yang diperbudak sebelumnya oleh klan Lotus sebagai penambang. Anggota klan mereka berawal dari kehidupan nomaden, namun memulai kehidupan sedenter seiring percampuran budaya mereka dengan klan lain memiliki gaya hidup kasar, namun punya daya tahan dan pemulihan alami yang tinggi.

Empat Klan Utama Battle Realms

Klan Naga (Dragon Clan)

Klan naga meletakkan kehormatan di atas segalanya. Mereka adalah pengikut Yang dengan kehormatan sebagai simbolnya. Mereka menggunakan senjata berpeluru dan berperang secara hormat. Para prajurit mereka harus bisa bersatu dengan senjata mereka. klan naga juga bisa bertempur dengan kekuatan samurai mereka mereka punya snjata rahasia yaitu dragon zen spirit master of ligth yang dapat memangil sebuah naga yang berwujud manusia tapi kalau anda tidak bisa ya dlongap - dlongop
Klan Ular (Serpent Clan)

Kebalikan dari klan naga, klan ini melupakan kehormatan mereka dan selalu melakukan kejahatan. Klan ini adalah pengikut Yin. Mereka tidak menggunakan senjata seperti klan naga, namun mereka lebih menggunakan kemampuan bertarung mereka. Meski klan naga bisa menggunakan senjata api, klan ular dapat mengetahui rahasia mereka.Dibawah masa pemerintahan serpent clan masih menjadi clan yang sangat ditakuti oleh clant lainnya.
Klan Serigala (Wolf Clan)

Klan ini meletakkan kebebasan di atas segalanya. mereka juga pengikut Yang dengan kebebasan sebagai simbol mereka. tidak seperti klan yang lain, mereka tidak memiliki penyembuh. orang-orang dari klan ini adalah tipe pekerja keras dan bersahabat dengan alam dan memakai serigala saat bertarung. kalau anda ingin menang pakai klan wolf.
Klan Lotus (Lotus Clan)

Klan Lotus adalah pengikut Yang yang terakhir, tapi sekarang sudah berubah menjadi Yin. Pengikut klan ini menggunakan korupsi sebagai simbol mereka dan mereka memakai ilmu hitam.
Zen Master

Master Zen mengambil peran pahlawan dalam game ini. Master Zen adalah pemimpin klan, yang membuat kelangsungan hidup tertentu masing-masing klan. Mereka dipanggil dengan biaya Yin / Yang, serta beras dan air. Master Zen memiliki peran penting dalam permainan. Mereka dengan mudah dapat membantu membalikkan hasil dari pertempuran dan dengan demikian mereka merupakan bagian avid tentara seseorang. Ini adalah master Zen dari warcraft empat Clans.Unlike III dan permainan lainnya, master zen dapat dikalahkan dan ketika kalah jumlah oleh bahkan sejumlah kecil unit [5-6].
Exile (Blue)

Kenji Oja: Putra kedua Tuhan Oja dan Pewaris terakhir ke Tahta Serpent. Dituduh membunuh ayahnya, Pangeran pergi di pengasingan. 7 tahun setelah jatuhnya Kekaisaran Ular, ia kembali. Apakah dia akan menjadi satu dengan Dragon dan menjalani jalan Kebenaran atau Tuhan Klan Serpent dan menjalani Jalan Tipuan, Licik dan Benci? Apakah dia akan mengalahkan Kegelapan sebagai Tarrant lakukan?
Klan Dragon (Oranye)

1. Otomo: Seorang prajurit sekaligus pemimpin di Klan Dragon yang setia kepada Kenji dan memanggilnya "Lord Oja"

2. Garrin: Seorang Pemanggil Kuda, yang bergabung dengan Kenji jika pemain pergi ke sisi sungai (Riverside)

3. Tao: Setengah Monk, Setengah Ninja, master dari kedua Yin dan Yang [Berada di "Serpent Story" saat Perjalanan Kenji]

4. Kazan: Seorang biarawan pemabuk lemak yang bergabung Kenji

5. Arah: Seorang pemanah hebat yang bergabung dangan Kenji

6. Teppo: (Hanya tersedia di Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf) Seorang jenius dari negeri jauh dari Malcolmson, Dia menggunakan penemuan roda untuk menyerang roket dari musuh yang menggunakannya.
Klan Serpent (Merah)

1.Shinja: Pemimpin di klan Serpent. Para Ronin yang licik berharap untuk menghidupkan kembali Klan Serpent. Mereka menggunakan dua pedang beracun untuk menghancurkan musuh-musuhnya.

2.Vetkin: Dia dapat berlari secepat cheetah, stamina tidak habis.

3.Utara: Pemimpin para penyihir di Serpent.

4. Taro Oja (Hanya tersedia di Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf): Saudara Kenji. Pedang gaibnya membuatnya menjadi musuh yang pengecut.

5. The Necromancer: Ini praktisi Magics Kematian dikabarkan akan sama tuanya dengan Dewa Naga dan Gaihla dari Klan Wolf.

6. Budo: Dia adalah "Master Budak" yang lapar, bekerja hanya untuk uang dan geisha. Cambuknya dapat mempercepat Petani tetapi itu menghilangkan sebagian nyawa para Petani.
Klan Wolf (Hijau)

1. Grayback: Pemimpin dan Chief di Klan Wolf

2. Longtooth: Wakil komandan dari Klan Wolf. Dia sangat setia kepada Grayback dan terus memanggilnya "Lord", meskipun Grayback tidak suka dipanggil "Lord".

3. Gaihla: Pemimpin para Druidess Wolf. Jika tidak ada yang tidak tahu tentang sejarah klan Wolf dari awal, dia pasti akan tahu [Berada di "Dragon Story" saat Perjalanan Kenji].

4. Wildeye (Hanya tersedia di Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf): Pemimpin Kebuasan di Klan Wolf yang ingin membalas dendam pada Nyonya Yvaine untuk membalaskan dendam keluarganya.

5. Shale Lord: Sebuah percobaan yang gagal dari Soban. Setelah budak serigala. Tubuhnya terdiri dari Shale (baju besi), yang membuatnya menjadi musuh yang sulit dikalahkan.
Klan Lotus (Ungu)

1.Zymeth: Raja dari Klan Lotus. Kekuatan petir-Nya membuatnya menjadi sulit untuk dikalahkan musuh.

2.Soban: Wakil komandan dari Lotus. Dia adalah ilmuwan gila selalu melakukan eksperimen aneh untuk Zymeth [Berada di "Dragon Story" saat Perjalanan Kenji].

3.Koril: Master Angkasa. Dia bisa berpindah dari mana saja [Berada di "Serpent Story" saat Perjalanan Kenji].

4.Issyl: Master Waktu. Dia adalah penuaan mundur karena pengetahuannya tentang Waktu.

5.Tiga Bersaudara {Lythis, Sekh, Tausil}: Tiga bersaudara yang cenderung Pohon Korupsi.

6.Nyonya Yvaine (Hanya tersedia di Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf) Nyonya dari Zymeth. Dia membenci Grayback dan sesama klan Wolf yang disebutnya "Budak". Dia dibunuh oleh kekuatan Tengkorak Serigala Putih, artefak berharga dari Klan Wolf, ketika Yvaine ia merusak tengkoraknya. Diperoleh dari wikipedia



The Battle Realms System Requirements :

Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium 2 @ 400 MHz
Memory: 64 Mb
Video Memory: 16 Mb
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 8.1

Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Processor: Pentium 3 @ 700 MHz
Memory: 128 Mb
Video Memory: 32 Mb
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 8.1


Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Point blank ofline

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 System Requirements

   Minimum System Requirements
    - CPU : P4 2.4G / Athlon 2500+
    - Ram : 512 MB
    - VGA : 128 on board/off board
    Recommended System Requirements
    - CPU : P4 3.0G / Athlon 2500+
    - Ram : 1 GB
    - VGA : GeForce 6600




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Pembangunan dimulai pada 10 April 2008, dan versi stabil pertama,, dirilis pada tanggal 23 Maret 2009.
openBVE ditulis dalam C# and C, dan bergantung pada OpenGL grafis penyaji dan OpenAL audio engine. source code, program dikompilasi, dan dokumentasi yang "ditempatkan dalam domain publik", seperti yang dinyatakan dalam file README.
openBVE berjalan dengan add-ons yang diciptakan oleh pengembang. Ada beberapa situs komunitas yang dijalankan oleh pemain dan pengembang , yang berisi diskusi - diskusi tentang openBVE hingga pertanyaan seputar masalah di openBVE, serta situs-situs download add-ons.

Screenshot ;


Z = menambah throttle
A = mengurangi throttle / menuju netral
Q = mengerem (pada KA satu kontrol)
1 = rem darurat (pada KA satu kontrol)
> = mengerem (pada KA dua kontrol)
< = melepas rem (pada KA dua kontrol)
/ = rem darurat (pada KA dua kontrol)
F = reverser maju
B = reverser mundur
space = klakson 1
alt + space = klakson 2
tab = klakson 3
F5 = buka/tutup pintu kiri (manual)
F6 = buka/tutup pintu kanan (manual)
K = digital speed display
C = jam digital
M = masinis otomatis
Numpad 9 = kamera maju
Numpad 8 = kamera geser atas
Numpad 4 = kamera geser kiri
Numpad 6 = kamera geser kanan
Numpad 2 = kamera geser bawah
Numpad 3 = kamera mundur
Numpad 1 = kamera stasiun sebelumnya
Numpad 7 = kamera stasiun setelahnya
Numpad 5 = reset kamera
Panah atas = kamera naik
Panah bawah = kamera turun
Panah kiri = kamera tengok kiri
Panah kanan = kamera tengok kanan
F1 = view kabin masinis
F2 = view eksterior
F3 = view tracking
F4 = view train chase
F10 = in game status
F11 = backmode
P = Pause
Esc = tampilkan menu

 Minimum system requirements:

* Pentium IV 2.2GHz (or equivalent)
* 64MB 3D Graphics Card (NVIDIA GeForce2 or equivalent)
* Windows XP Service Pack 2
* 1024×768 display resolution


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Jumat, 28 Maret 2014


Army Man

 Army Man redirects here, for the comedy magazine see Army Man (magazine). For the video game series see Army Men (series).
American, German, and British troops made by Louis Marx and Company
Army men, or plastic soldiers, are simple toy soldiers that are about 5 cm (2 inches) tall and most commonly molded from green or other colored relatively unbreakable plastic. Unlike the more expensive toy soldiers available in hobby shops, army men are sold at low prices in discount stores, supermarkets, and dollar stores. Also unlike many toy soldiers, army men are sold unpainted and almost always dressed in modern military uniforms and armed with 20th-century weapons.



Army men are sold in plastic bags or buckets, and often include different colors such as green, tan, or gray, to represent opposing sides. They are equipped with a variety of weapons, typically from World War II to the current era. These include rifles, machine guns, submachine guns, sniper rifles, pistols, grenades, flame throwers, and bazookas. They may also have radio men, minesweepers, and men armed with bayonets. The traditional helmets are the older M1 "pot" style that were given to US soldiers during the middle to late 20th Century. Army men are sometimes packaged with additional accessories including tanks (often based on the M48 Patton tank), jeeps, armed hovercraft, half-tracks, artillery, helicopters, jets, and fortifications. Their vehicles are usually manufactured in a smaller scale, to save on production and packaging costs. Army men are considered toys and not models due to this fact historical and chronological accuracy are generally not a priority.


History and varieties

The first American plastic toy soldiers were made by Bergen Toy & Novelty Co. (Beton for short) in 1938.[1] Beton also acquired the molds of another pre-war plastic figure company, Universal Plastics[2] with their figures remaining for sale when lead toy production was stopped in 1942. The Beton figures were painted like metal figures and sold the same as their metal brethren; individually or in a boxed set of around seven figures. Following World War II, Beton modified their figures in an attempt to change the World War I type helmet into the World War II one.
Following World War II, plastic manufacture was seen as an industry with growth potential with many old and new companies making plastic figures that were widely available in the United States. Army men following the war were sold unpainted, usually in a green colour corresponding to United States Army uniforms in World War II. Plastic figures were sold en masse in clear plastic bags with an illustrated header card in different sizes and prices since the early 1950s.
Beginning in the early 1950s, Louis Marx and Company sold boxed sets of figures and accessories called playsets, such as "US Army Training Center" and the later "Battleground" sets. A rival manufacturer, the Multiple Plastics Corporation (MPC) also sold plastic figures in various colours with different separate accessories, so the same figures could be kitted out as soldiers (green), farmers, pioneers or cowboys (brown), policemen (blue), ski troopers (white) spacemen (various colors), or American Civil War soldiers in Blue and Gray.
The economy of plastic sold in bulk, popularity of army men, and competition with manufacturers led to army men being sold in large bags by Marx and MPC for as little as a penny a piece in the mid-1960s. During this time, Marx gave the American army men actual enemy soldiers to fight such as German soldiers (molded in grey) in their 1962 "Army Combat" set and Japanese enemies (molded in yellow) in their "Iwo Jima" set that was released in 1963. In 1965, a "D-Day" Marx set featured Allies such as French (horizon blue), British (khaki), and Russians. One of their last and largest playsets was the multi-level "Fortress Navarone" mountain set based on The Guns of Navarone, which was available in the 1970s and pitted World War II Americans against Germans.
During the Vietnam War, sales and availability of military toys began to decline alongside the unpopularity of the war [3] and the higher prices of plastic from the 1973 oil crisis.
Today most army men are made inexpensively in China and do not include the extensive accessories that were common in Marx playsets. They are also smaller on average, often not much more than 2.5 cm (one inch) high. Most of these figures are generic imitations of model figure sets from such companies as Airfix and Matchbox. They vary widely in quality.
In addition to army men, other inexpensive, plastic toy figures are also commonly available. Toy cowboys and Indians, farm sets, spacemen, knights, dinosaurs, firemen, police officers and other playsets are often sold alongside army men.

Army men in culture

Army men candy
For many American boys, playing with army men and blowing them up with fireworks is almost a rite of passage. This cultural phenomenon was represented in Army Men, a popular series of computer games introduced by 3DO in the 1990s. Green army men were also among the characters in the 1995 Disney/Pixar movie, Toy Story and its two sequels. Gummy army men candy are also available.
Because these toys do not cost much, they are virtually disposable. They encourage a variety of creative types of play, because they can be set up in so many different ways. They are especially well suited for the sandbox, or simple wargames with rubber balls or marbles, which can be rolled or thrown at army men.
Critics have accused army men of advocating gun violence and militarism, and they have been banned from schools and daycare programs with zero tolerance weapon policies. On one occasion, children were asked to clip the weapons off of plastic army men on display during an elementary school graduation ceremony.[4]
An unusual use for army men was attaching poems to them and scattering them around in a "guerrilla poetry" scheme.They have also been the exclusive (albeit stop-motion) actors in a music video featuring an instrumental track by the band Pink Martini.

topik by wikipedia

screenshot :


Pentium 233MHz Processor
250MB Hard Disk Space
4X CD-ROM Drive
16MB DirectX Compatible Video Card
DirectX Compatible Sound Card
DirectX 8.0



FREE DOWLOAD GAME trackmania 2 Stadium REPACK



TrackMania is a series of racing games for the Windows PC, Nintendo DS and Wii platforms, developed by the French team Nadeo for the PC. Instead of following the usual trend of choosing a set car and track to play the game, in TrackMania the players can create their own tracks using a "building block" process similar to that of the 1984 game Excitebike, the 1985 game Racing Destruction Set and the 1990 Brøderbund release, Stunts.

Unlike most other racing games, the TrackMania series lets the player race a track as many times as they want within a time limit. Players may choose to respawn at any time if they land upside down, leave the track or get off to a poor start. Although in multiplayer games, multiple cars race on the same track, they cannot collide or otherwise influence each other.

TrackMania 2: Stadium

TrackMania 2: Stadium was announced on November 2, 2012. (Announcement Trailer) This environment was opened to the public with an open beta on February 27, 2013. The game features the classic Stadium environment that was introduced in TrackMania Nations. There have been some improvements to the graphics, and it uses ManiaPlanet's client and interface. The game was released on June 20th, 2013.
In Trackmania, speed is king. There are no powerups or drifting challenges, cars to modify or even choose from. Just you, the insane courses, and a record time to attempt to beat. There technically aren’t even other players: competitors dart about the track when you play online, but you can’t collide with them and there are no “positions” in the traditional sense, just a record of top times and that sinking feeling when StudMuffin47 shaves a tenth of a second off your best effort, and then drops a smiley face into server chat. The cad. Stadium hasn’t been released yet, but the open beta has been running for months, and is currently completely free


system requirements

CPU Speed 1.5 GHz
OS  Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Video Card 256 MB, Pixel Shader 2.0 / Intel HD 2000 / GeForce Ion/ AMD HD 6310
Sound Card Yes
Free Disk Space 1 GB



Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Plants Vs Zombie[Free] Full Version

 pants vs. Zombies full version

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asal usul

pants vs. Zombies adalah permainan tower defense yang dibuat dan diluncurkan oleh PopCap Games untuk Microsoft Windows dan Mac OS X serta oleh induk perusahaannya, Electronic Arts untuk Android. Di dalam permainan ini, ada zombi yang menyerang rumah dan pemain harus menggunakan tanaman untuk menghadapi mereka. Permainan ini pertama kali diluncurkan pada tanggal 5 Mei 2009.[3][9] Versi iOS diluncurkan pada Februari 2010.[10] Versi Xbox Live Arcade diluncurkan pada tanggal 8 September 2010.[6] Ada juga versi Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, PS3 dan Android.[11][12] Versi Windows dan Mac mempunyai versi Game of the Year.

Sistem permainan

Di Plants vs. Zombies, pemain akan memilih tanaman (dan jamur) dan menaruhnya di sekitar rumah (area berbeda setiap tingkat) untuk menghadapi dan mempertahankan pemilik rumah (pemain) dari serangan zombi. Banyak tanaman hanya bisa menyerang di baris tempat dia berada, namun ada beberapa yang dapat menyerang hingga 3 baris sekaligus (contohnya Threepeater). Zombi selalu masuk ke area permainan dan berjalan di salah satu baris (kecuali jika menggigit bawang putih mereka akan berpindah baris). Dalam permainan, terdapat pemotong rumput dan pembersih kolam (pada tingkat halaman belakang rumah) di ujung kiri halaman yang dapat menghancurkan semua zombi di baris, tetapi alat itu tidak bisa dipakai ulang sampai tingkat berikutnya. Kebanyakan zombi akan memakan tanaman yang dihadapinya (walaupun ada juga jenis zombi yang melompati, menghancurkan, dan terbang diatas tanaman).

Pemain memulai dengan memilih dan menanam tanaman yang telah dipilih sebelumnya dan melihat zombi apa saja yang ada. Tanaman baru bisa didapat di akhir tingkat. Untuk menanam tanaman, pemain harus mengumpulkan poin-poin matahari yang berasal dari tanaman bunga matahari ataupun dari langit. Setiap tanaman diberi harga. Kebanyakan tanaman bisa dimakan dengan mudah oleh zombi. Jamur perlu dibangunkan dengan biji kopi jika dipakai di tingkat siang. Tanaman perlu ditanam di atas bunga teratai (kecuali tanaman air) jika ingin ditanam di air dan perlu ditanam di pot bunga untuk ditanam di atap. Ada banyak jenis tanaman dengan kemampuan masing-masing, ada tanaman yang bisa menembakkan projectiles mereka ke zombi, menghasilkan matahari atau langsung membunuh zombi dengan cara membakarnya, menindihnya, maupun memakannya.

Zombi juga bermacam-macam jenisnya, ada yang kuat, berjalan cepat, bisa langsung menghancurkan tanaman, mampu terbang dengan sebuah balon, bahkan ada yang mampu menari seperti Michael Jackson (diganti dengan zombi disko di versi "Game of the Year") yang bisa mengeluarkan zombie lain dari bawah tanah. Ada level progress di bagian bawah layar. Setiap gelombang besar, banyak zombi muncul bersamaan dan ketika gelombang akhir, ada zombi yang muncul dari dalam kolam, kuburan atau ditaruh oleh zombie bungee.

Jenis mode

Mode utama di Plants vs. Zombies adalah "Adventure Mode". Setelah beberapa tingkat, "Mini-games" dan "puzzle mode" bisa dimainkan. "Survival Mode" terbuka setelah permainan tamat untuk pertama kalinya. Ada juga toko milik Crazy Dave dimana kita membeli tanaman perubahan, versi air atau atap pemotong rumput, menaikkan jumlah tanaman yang bisa dipilih, dll. Ada juga "Zen Garden" dimana pemain mengkoleksi tanaman dan menjualnya atau membuatnya senang. Di iOS dan Android, ada fitur "Quick Play" dimana pemain bisa memainkan tingkat-tingkat petualangan. Di Xbox Live Arcade dan Nintendo DS, ada "Versus Mode" dimana pemain akan menghadai satu sama lain. Di Xbox Live Arcade juga ada "Co-op Mode" dimana dua pemain akan bekerja sama melawan zombi.

Plants vs. Zombies mendapat penerimaan positif dari kritikus, mendapat nilai 88/100 dari Metacritic dan 89.5% dari GameRankings.[13][14] Penyunting IGN Andy J Kolozsy berkomentar bahwa permainan ini memiliki lebih banyak isi daripada permainan lain dengan genre yang sama, dan juga memuji sifatnya yang membuat kecanduan.[15] Tapi, versi DS dikritik karena grafiknya yang berkualitas rendah dan harga poin mahal.[16] Penyunting GameSpot Chris Watters memuji desain tanaman dan zombie, juga visual dan nilai totalnya. Tapi, dia menemukan kesalahan dalam lengkungan.[17] Penyunting 1UP Alice Liang merasa gaya permainan bisa dinikmati, juga mengkomentari pemotong rumput yang melindungi sisi kiri layar memberi keseimbangan antara kemudahan-pemakaian dan gaya permainan mendalam.[18] Ulasan Edge memuji PopCap Games karena menambah sentuhan imajinatif kepada semua detail kecil dari permainan. Dia juga memuji mereka karena mengambil genre tower defense dan membuat yang mereka sendiri.[19]
Plants vs. Zombies Adventures

Pada Mei 2013, versi Facebook terbaru dirilis oleh pengembang PopCap Games dan perilis Electronic Arts. Gaya permainannya adalah tower defense, pemain tidak lagi harus melindungi satu rumah dari serangan zombie, mereka akan melakukan perjalanan ke lokasi baru.[20] Permainan ini tersedia untuk semua pengguna sejak 20 Mei 2013.[21]

Pada akhir 2012, PopCap mengumumkan bahwa mereka sedang mengerjakan Plants vs. Zombies, tapi statusnya dirgaukan setelah pengumuman ketika perusahaan melewati periode pemecatan. Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time dirilis pada 15 Agustus 2013, dan hanya ada di sistem iOS untuk beberapa waktu sebelum dirilis di sistem lain.[22] PopCap dan pemiliknya, Electronic Arts, juga mengumumkan Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, permainan menembak orang ketiga kooperatif berdasarkan Plants vs. Zombies, untuk Xbox One, Xbox 360, dan Microsoft Windows, juga merupakan sekuel.

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screenshot :

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 7/Vista/2000/XP
Memory: 512 MB
DirectX: 8
CPU: 1.2 Ghz
Video: 128 MB 

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME  Plants Vs Zombie Full Version


Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Naruto Shippuden: Ninja 5

 Naruto Shippuden ultimate Ninja 5


One of the new gameplay additions is the introduction of assist characters. Assist characters are chosen during character selection, and can be called in during a match to deal extra damage. Certain combinations of characters create unique jutsu in a match; these combinations reflect the associations of those characters in the anime and manga. Many of the characters' techniques from the previous game were updated. There are many updated ultimate techniques, including the aforementioned assist-specific ones. Summons have been removed from the game. The assist characters cannot be turned off. The game also includes an RPG mode where players can roam sections of the village and interact with the surroundings of the story and villagers.

Plot Overview

The plot is separated into eight acts. There is also an extra act. They are directly related to Kazekage Rescue Arc and Sasuke and Sai Arc.

Playable Characters

All of Konoha 11, Sasuke Uchiha, and the Sand Siblings are available in both pre- and post-timeskip outfits. Parenthesis indicate a character's Awakening Mode(s).

    Naruto Uzumaki (Demon Fox Mode), (One Tailed), (Four Tailed)
    Sasuke Uchiha (Curse Mark Mode), (Curse Mark Mode Stage 2), (Flash Sword Mode),          (Thunderclap    Mode)
    Sakura Haruno (Rage Mode), (Medical Mode)
    Kakashi Hatake (Mangekyō Sharingan Mode)
    Rock Lee (Loopy Fist Mode), (The Eight Gates Mode)
    Neji Hyūga (Byakugan Mode)
    Tenten (Ninja Tool Mode), (Tool Use Mode)
    Might Guy (The Eight Gates Mode)
    Shikamaru Nara (Strategy Mode)
    Chōji Akimichi (Expansion Mode), (Super Chōji Mode), (Super Expansion Mode)
    Ino Yamanaka (Covered With Flowers Mode), (Blooming Flowers Mode)
    Asuma Sarutobi (Fist Strike Mode)
    Shino Aburame (Beetle Mode)
    Kiba Inuzuka (Food Pills Mode), (Fanged Beast Mode)
    Hinata Hyūga (Byakugan Mode), (Guardian Dance Mode)
    Kurenai Yuhi (Haze Dance Mode)
    Gaara (Possession Mode), (Kazekage Mode), (Ultimate Defense Mode)
    Kankurō (Dance Mode), (Show Mode)
    Temari (Fan Dance Mode), (Wind Robe Mode)
    Chiyo (Veteran Mode), (Puppet Mastery Mode)
    Itachi Uchiha (Tsukuyomi Mode)
    Kisame Hoshigaki (Samehada Mode)
    Deidara (Sky Eagle Mode)
    Sasori (Poison Mode), (Human Puppet Mode)
    Sai (Fast Brush Mode), (Super Brush Mode)
    Yamato (Secret Wood Style Jutsu Mode)
    Jiraiya (Sannin Mode)
    Tsunade (Sannin Mode), (Mitotic Regeneration Mode)
    Shizune (Medical Mode)
    Orochimaru (Sannin Mode)
    Kabuto Yakushi (Super Recovery Mode)
    Jirōbō (Curse Mark Mode), (Curse Mark Mode Stage 2)
    Kidōmaru (Curse Mark Mode), (Curse Mark Mode Stage 2)
    Sakon and Ukon (Curse Mark Mode), (Curse Mark Mode Stage 2)
    Tayuya (Curse Mark Mode), (Curse Mark Mode Stage 2)
    Kimimaro (Curse Mark Mode), (Curse Mark Mode Stage 2)
    Hashirama Senju (Hokage Mode)
    Tobirama Senju (Ultimate Mode), (Hokage Mode)
    Hiruzen Sarutobi (Reaper Death Seal Mode)
    Minato Namikaze (Ultimate Mode), (Flash Mode)
    Hanabi Hyūga (Ultimate Mode), (Byakugan Mode)
    Konohamaru (Ultimate Mode), (Grandson Mode)
    Anko Mitarashi (Ultimate Mode), (Curse Mark Mode)
    Haku (Ice Blade Mode)
    Zabuza Momochi (Demon Mode)

Playable Locations

    Konohagakure (during the day)
    Sunagakure (during the day)
    Five-Seal Barrier Cliff (during the day)
    Akatsuki Hideout (during the night)
    Land of Rivers Falls (during the day)
    Twilight Cliff (Land of Rivers Forest fight Kakashi & Naruto vs Deidara) (during the afternoon)
    Training Ground (during the day)
    Konohagakure Forest (during the day)
    The Forest of Death (during the afternoon)
    Valley of the End (during the evening)
    Konohagakure Gate (during the day)
    Sunagakure Gate (during the day)
    Great Naruto Bridge (during the day)
    Chūnin Exam Stadium (during the day)
    Tanzaku Town Outskirts (during the day)
    Moonlit Field (during the night)
    Blue Sky Plain (during the day)
    Mirage Desert (during the day)
    Orochimaru's Hideout (during the day)
    Foundation's Hideout
    Altar of Orochi
    Tenchi Bridge (during the day)
    Top of Lookout Tower (during the day)
    Tanzaku Town (during the afternoon)


 In the Master Mode, in one of the playable missions, if in a certain conversation with Jiraiya and Tsunade the player answers yes to Jiraiya's question, it will be meet Kasumi again from Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: Phantom Fortress.
    If the player has a saved file of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja 4, he will receive letters from Aoi instead of an orphaned girl from a previous mission.
    Due to time constraints and dubbing issues, the game never released in the US, and the EU version is subtitled, lacking any dubbed tracks.
    This game is the only one in the Ultimate Ninja series to not have any removed material from the Japanese version: Ultimate Ninja had Naruto's and Sasuke's trasnformation removed, and re-added as different characters; Ultimate Ninja 2 had Dotō Kazahana removed from the character list, since Ninja Clash In The Land of Snow was not released in the US yet; Ultimate Ninja 3's character's picture were more well-drawn, and the game also came with an OVA giving hints of the Ultimate Contest's crystals locations; and Ultimate Ninja 4 had a separate Plus version with remastered soundtrack.


Minimum System Requirements :

    Memakai OS (Operating system) Windows XP, Windows Vista, atau Windows 7.
    Minimal menggunakan prosesor intel Core2 Duo, Core2 Quad I3, Core I5, Core I7, maupun AMD Phenom II.
    Memory RAMnya minimum 2 GB mungkin jika 1 GB masih bisa.
    Memory bebas pada hardisk 1,2 GB
    Nvidia atau Radeon 512 MB, DirectX 9.0c




Selasa, 25 Maret 2014


Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed is a historical fiction action-adventure open world stealth video game series that consists of six main games and a number of supporting materials, as of 2013. The games have appeared on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, iOS, HP webOS, Android, Nokia Symbian Windows Phone platforms, and the Wii U.

The main games in the franchise were developed by Ubisoft Montreal for the single player and Ubisoft Annecy for the multiplayer, with the handheld titles developed by Gameloft and Gryptonite Studios, with additional development by Ubisoft Montreal. The series has been well received by the public and critics, and has sold over 55 million copies as of March, 2013. The series took inspiration from the novel Alamut by the Slovenian writer Vladimir Bartol,and are considered by some to be the spiritual successor to the Prince of Persia series


The Assassin's Creed games primarily revolves around the rivalry between two ancient secret societies: the Assassins and the Knights Templar, and their indirect relation to an ancient species pre-dating humanity, whose society, along with much of Earth's biosphere, was destroyed by a massive solar storm. The games' real-world chronological setting is the year 2012, and feature Desmond Miles, a bartender who is a descendant of several lines of prominent Assassins; though raised as an Assassin, he fled his nomadic family to seek out a more common lifestyle. He is initially kidnapped by the megacorporation Abstergo Industries, the modern-day face of the Knights Templar, who are aware of Desmond's lineage. Desmond is forced to use the "Animus", a device that allows him to experience his ancestral memories. Abstergo is seeking to discover the location of several artifacts, or "Pieces of Eden", that hold great power, to control mankind and alter its fate, bringing humanity into a single unified group. Desmond also encounters a small team of modern-day Assassins; agreeing to work with them, Desmond uses their version of the Animus (the Animus 2.0) to continue to experience the memories of his ancestors to discover the locations of additional Pieces of Eden so they can be recovered before Abstergo can do so. While experiencing these memories, some of their abilities are genetically leaked into Desmond, known as the Bleeding Effect, giving him some of the Assassin skills of his predecessors at the cost of living with multiple sets of memories and personalities in his mind.

Within the Animus, Desmond explores the memories of a number of Assassins, including Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad, an initially disgraced Assassin working to redeem himself during the Third Crusade; Ezio Auditore da Firenze, an Assassin in Italy during the late 15th and early 16th centuries of the Italian Renaissance, and Ratohnhaké:ton, otherwise known as Connor, a half-Mohawk, half-British Assassin during the American Revolution. Throughout these events, Desmond learns of allusions to the prophetic end of the world in 2012 from a former Animus test subject, Subject 16: the event turns out to be a repeat of the disaster which wiped out the ancient civilization, and he finds out that his memories hold the key to Earth surviving the second storm. During his experiences, Desmond is aided by holographic projections of three of the ancient race's rulers: Jupiter, Minerva and Juno. After Desmond dies to ensure Earth's survival, his memories, which have survived in cyberspace,[4] are accessed by Abstergo, which hires a new subject to enter the Animus. The new subject relives the memories of Edward Kenway, Ratohnhaké:ton's grandfather and a privateer-turned-pirate during the British colonial years.[5]


While the game is presented through protagonist Desmond Miles, the bulk of the game is played as Desmond experiences the memories of either Altaïr, Ezio, or Connor through the Animus. This provides a means of a diegetic interface for the player, showing Altaïr, Ezio, or Connor's health, equipment, goals, and other features as part of the Animus interface. The Animus is based on the player controlling the assassin to maintain the synchronization between Desmond and his ancestor's memories. Performing actions that go against the Assassin's way or dying breaks the synchronization, effectively requiring the player to restart at a previous checkpoint. Furthermore, the player cannot explore outside of areas that the assassin has not experienced yet. There are also abnormalities within the Animus from previous users of the device.

While playing as the Assassin characters, the games are generally presented as third-person in an open world, focusing on stealth and free-running. The games use a mission structure to follow the main story, generally assigning the player to complete an assassination of public figureheads or a covert mission. Alternatively, several side missions are available, such as mapping out the expansive cities from a high perch followed by performing a "leap of faith" into a haystack below, collecting treasures hidden across the cities, exploring ruins for relics, building a brotherhood of assassins to perform other tasks, or funding the rebuilding of a city through purchasing and upgrading of shops and other features. At times, the player is in direct control of Desmond, who by nature of the Animus use has learned Assassin techniques through the bleeding effect, as well as their genetic ability of Eagle Vision, which separates friend, foe and assassination targets by illuminating people in different colors. Through the Animus interface, the player can go back to retry any past mission already completed; for example, in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, the player achieves better synchronization results by performing the mission in a specific manner such as by only killing the mission's target.

The games use the concept of "active" versus "passive" moves, with "active" moves, such as running, climbing the sides of buildings, or jumping between rooftops, more likely to alert the attention of nearby guards. When the guards become alerted, the player must either fight them or break their line of sight and locate a hiding place, such as a haystack or a well, and wait until the guards' alert is reduced. The combat system allows for a number of unique weapons, armor, and moves, including the use of a hidden blade set in a bracer on the Assassin's arm, and which also can be used to quietly assassinate targets.


 Assassin's Creed
Main article: Assassin's Creed (video game)
Desmond is captured by Abstergo and forced to use a machine called the Animus to explore Altaïr ibn-La'Ahad's memories during the time of the Third Crusade. Desmond begins to witness events after Altaïr breaks all three tenets of the Assassin Brotherhood while attempting to stop Robert de Sablé from taking a Piece of Eden. Al Mualim, the Brotherhood's leader, demotes Altaïr to Novice and tasks him with assassinating the nine Knights Templars, including de Sablé, to regain his former status. Altaïr's quest eventually leads him to face de Sablé in the presence of King Richard I of England warning the King of de Sablé's plot to kill him. Altaïr defeats de Sablé, but with his last words, de Sablé reveals that there were ten Templars, the last being Al Mualim, who now holds the Piece of Eden. Altaïr returns to face Al Mualim, struggling to fight through the illusions created by the Piece, but eventually kills Al Mualim. When Altaïr recovers the piece, he—and those watching the Animus—witness a holographic map showing locations across the globe where other artifacts are located. Desmond is pulled from the Animus, and was going to be killed, but his life is spared by Lucy Stillman, an Assassin working as a mole within Abstergo, as she claims they might need to further examine his memories later. He comes to learn that a former test subject had left messages only Desmond can see, foretelling of the end of the world in 2012.
The first Assassin's Creed introduced elements that would remain cornerstones of the rest of the series. The game attempts to create historical versions of Masyaf (the Brotherhood's location), Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus, and incorporates a number of documented historical figures into the story. The virtualized Animus system, free running, climbing, stealth, and parkour elements were all present in this title, as well as the initial formulation of the combat system. The player would have to complete a number of side quests before they would be able to obtain an assassin quest from a local Brotherhood guidemaster in each city, though future games would abandon this prerequisite.


System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP/Vista or later
Processor: Intel Pentium D Dual Core@2.6 Ghz
Memory: 2 Gb
Video Memory: 512Mb
Video Card: nVidia GeForece 8800/ ATI Radeon HD 2900

