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Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2014


Statue of Liberty
Game Statue of Liberty description :
 Travel back in time and relive the building of the Statue of Liberty! This is more than just your basic tourist trip, so much more than just a guided tour!
You'll experience first-hand the fun and history behind this symbolic site, a symbol of the industrial revolution, true progress and the United States of America!

Free Game features:

- Manage the Statue of Liberty construction site from 1883 to 1886;

- Make the most of your workers and your resources;

- Improve your knowledge of the history of the Statue of Liberty;

- History in the making with the most recognized statue in the world.

Screenshot :
Link Download Game Statue of Liberty For PC

Installation guide

System Requirements:

 - Windows 95/98/XP/ME/Vista/7;- Processor 800 Mhz or better;
 - RAM: minimum 1024Mb;
 - DirectX 9.0 or higher;
 - DirectX compatible sound board;- Easy game removal through the Windows Control Panel.

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Rabu, 09 April 2014

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME South Park: The Stick of Truth

South Park: The Stick of Truth

South Park: The Stick of Truth game terbaru game 2014,mainkan game ter update kamu,hacking gamer akan berbagi softwre game South Park: The Stick of Truth full version.
Game animasi epic yang kren abis,South Park: The Stick of Truth game yang dikembangkan oleh Obsidian Entertainment bekerja sama dengan South Park Digital Studios , dan dirilis oleh Ubisoft untuk PlayStation 3 dan Xbox 360 konsol video game , dan Microsoft Windows.akan menjadi game yang paling seru di pc anda dan yang paling penting game yang saya share full version+crack berbagi game dengan para gamer di seluruh dunia.
Game South Park: The Stick of Truth adalh game yang berpegangan dari serial film animasi di amerika yaitu game dari serial televisi animasi dewasa south park dan sekarang South Park: The Stick of Truth dikembangkan menjadi game anak-anak.yang pindah kekota emponymous,game yang melibatkan peperangan antara manusia,penyihir dan elf ini menjadi kekuatan yang tidak terkontrol dengan semua yang dimiliki oleh masing,semua menjadi kacau yang membawa mereka terlibat konflik dengan alien , zombie Nazi ,dan gnome,dan mengancam seluruh kota dengan kehancuran.
pengembangan game ini dimulai pada tahun 2009 setelah pencipta South Park Trey Parker dan Matt Batu 
Obsidian mendekati tentang membuat game role-playing yang dirancang untuk terlihat persis seperti serial TV .mereka berdua adalah pasangan yang hebat dalam hal membuat game ini ,mereka banya ambil peran dalam pembuatan gamenya dari mulai membuat karakter alur cerita sampai menyuarakan karakter-karakter dalam permainan game nya,game South Park: The Stick of Truth sempat dihentikan pembuatannya pada tahun 2013 dampai ahirnya game ini louching pada tahun ini tahun 2014,jadi South Park: The Stick of Truth game upadate sobat url untuk downloadnya bisa di download di bawah buat yang penasaran silahkan klik link downloadnya di bawah ya




==System requirements==

{{System requirements Windows

|minOS    = XP SP3, Vista SP1, 7, 8
|minCPU   = AMD Athlon64 X2 3800+ 2.0 GHz
|minCPU2  = Intel Pentium Dual core E2180 2.0 GHz
|minmem   = 2 GB
|minHD    = 6 GB
|minGPU   = nVidia GeForce 8800GT
|minGPU2  = AMD Radeon HD2600XT
|minDX    = 9.0c
|minVRAM  = 512 MB


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Minggu, 06 April 2014

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms

Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms

Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms dalah tujuh kerjaan fantasi atau fiksi yang dimainkan multiplayer secara online atau dalam istilah dunia game disebut ''multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) '' multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG)

Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms kini dikembangkan oleh Bigpoint and Artplant,developers Bigpoint and Artplant ini berkolaborasi dengan HBO atau istilah krennya in collaboration with HBO.karna game Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms ini didasarakan dengan film serial tv HBO.yang permainan ini sendiri di adaptasi dari  serial buku George R. R. Martin yang berjudul Song of Ice and Fire..
sekilas tentang Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms ini adalah game online yang dimainkan pada platform Unity di browshare yang menggunakan plugin player.pkonya game online mmoorpg yang seru yang pasti akan menjadi idola gamer di masa yang akan datang..

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Tujuh kerajaan fiksi yang bertempur mepertahankan wilayah dalam peperangan,kita disini sebagai pihak ketiga dimana kita memaikan dan mengatur para pasukan kerajaan mbuar benteng membangun kerajaan sendiri,permainan ini online dan kita berperang melawan musuh yang dimainkan oleh teman,sodara,atauo bahkan orang lain yang kita tidak kenal yang sedang memainkan game Game of Thrones: Seven Kingdoms,pertarungan bisa berlangsung seru,bisa bersekala besar aatu sekala kecil,dan kita tidak akan jenuh dengan pasukan-pasukan kita karna kita yang mengatur atau membuat style pasukan kita sendiri
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Minimum Requirements

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Kamis, 03 April 2014

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Sudden Strike 2 - Perang Dunia II

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Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
Pentium II 333MHz Processor
DirectX compatible Sound Card
4X CD-ROM Drive
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Minggu, 30 Maret 2014


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penBVE(BVE berarti Boso View Ekspress) adalah game simulator kereta api yang dirancang untuk sistem operasi Windows, Mac OS X, dan platform Linux
Pembangunan dimulai pada 10 April 2008, dan versi stabil pertama,, dirilis pada tanggal 23 Maret 2009.
openBVE ditulis dalam C# and C, dan bergantung pada OpenGL grafis penyaji dan OpenAL audio engine. source code, program dikompilasi, dan dokumentasi yang "ditempatkan dalam domain publik", seperti yang dinyatakan dalam file README.
openBVE berjalan dengan add-ons yang diciptakan oleh pengembang. Ada beberapa situs komunitas yang dijalankan oleh pemain dan pengembang , yang berisi diskusi - diskusi tentang openBVE hingga pertanyaan seputar masalah di openBVE, serta situs-situs download add-ons.

Screenshot ;


Z = menambah throttle
A = mengurangi throttle / menuju netral
Q = mengerem (pada KA satu kontrol)
1 = rem darurat (pada KA satu kontrol)
> = mengerem (pada KA dua kontrol)
< = melepas rem (pada KA dua kontrol)
/ = rem darurat (pada KA dua kontrol)
F = reverser maju
B = reverser mundur
space = klakson 1
alt + space = klakson 2
tab = klakson 3
F5 = buka/tutup pintu kiri (manual)
F6 = buka/tutup pintu kanan (manual)
K = digital speed display
C = jam digital
M = masinis otomatis
Numpad 9 = kamera maju
Numpad 8 = kamera geser atas
Numpad 4 = kamera geser kiri
Numpad 6 = kamera geser kanan
Numpad 2 = kamera geser bawah
Numpad 3 = kamera mundur
Numpad 1 = kamera stasiun sebelumnya
Numpad 7 = kamera stasiun setelahnya
Numpad 5 = reset kamera
Panah atas = kamera naik
Panah bawah = kamera turun
Panah kiri = kamera tengok kiri
Panah kanan = kamera tengok kanan
F1 = view kabin masinis
F2 = view eksterior
F3 = view tracking
F4 = view train chase
F10 = in game status
F11 = backmode
P = Pause
Esc = tampilkan menu

 Minimum system requirements:

* Pentium IV 2.2GHz (or equivalent)
* 64MB 3D Graphics Card (NVIDIA GeForce2 or equivalent)
* Windows XP Service Pack 2
* 1024×768 display resolution


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Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed PC Games

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

  Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is Sega's answer to Mario Kart, and now available for PC and Mac. More than a kart-clone, it's an excellent racing game, with fantastic looking tracks and a huge range of Sega characters driving alongside some cameo appearances.

This is a game that achieves being both a really fun and deep karting game, and possibly the best monument to Sega's rich gaming history. As well as the big range of characters, the beautiful tracks exist in stunning recreations of Sega worlds gone by. As well as Sonic inspired environments, there's Monkey Ball, Afterburner, Shinobi and more.

Races themselves are great fun. Tracks changes during races, allowing for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed's cars to transform into boats or planes. Handling is what it should be, with powerslides playing a big part in proceedings. Boats face big waves, while flying offers you plenty of freedom. Pickups are well balanced, although just like Mario Kart, sometimes you'll feel victimized by the computer players. All the tracks are hugely imaginative and really engaging, and they are well designed as well as dramatic.

The single player mode has plenty of variety, with modes like traffic attack and drifting challenges integrated into the campaign, and there's competitive multiplayer too. Like developer SUMO’s earlier OutRun 2 SP, you keep getting XP and unlockables even when you’re not winning. It’s not easy in the fastest class, though, and you’ll really have to learn the tracks to win.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is a great karting game. Anyone can enjoy playing it, but if you've grown up with Sega games, the fantastic nostalgia is unmissable.


Minimum System Requirements:
-Operating System: Windows- XP, Vista, 7/ 8
-Processor: Intel Core2 Duo at (2.4GHz) memory.
-RAM: 2GB/4GB -Graphics card: 512MB memory at support (Shader Model 3.0)
-Hard Disk Drive: 6.7GB free space
-Sound card: Direct-X v9.0c Compatible
-Direct-X: Supported V9.0c

Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

FREE DOWNLOAD GAME Stronghold Crusader

 free download Stronghold Crusader
Stronghold: Crusader is the successor to Firefly Studios's 2001 game Stronghold., Crusader has much in common with the original Stronghold, but differs from its predecessor in the fact that the game is no longer set in a pseudo-Europe, instead being set in the Middle East during the Crusades.[4] The game features a multitude of new Arabian units that can be purchased in a new building, the mercenary post. Though the Arabian troops do not require any resources to produce, they are rather expensive. The game was also released as Stronghold Warchest. This version was a compendium of Stronghold and an enhanced version of Stronghold: Crusader, containing additional characters and an additional Crusader Trail.
Stronghold Warchest was only released in limited number of countries (i. e. USA or Poland), meaning players in the rest of the world have never encountered the second Crusader Trail, or second set of characters. This changed when an updated version of Stronghold Crusader, Stronghold: Crusader Extreme was released in early 2008.
Stronghold Crusader features several real-time strategy campaign strings. These document the First, Second and Third Crusade, as well as conflicts within the individual Crusader states. Each campaign comprises several battles, such as Nicaea, Heraclea, siege of Antioch, Krak des Chevaliers and the Siege of Jerusalem. The game also features the Crusader Trail, a series of 50 linked missions against various opponents. Stronghold Warchest adds one more Crusader Trail, consisting of 30 linked missions.
GameplayThe gameplay is similar to the original Stronghold, the major difference being that the game is set in the Middle East. As a consequence, farms can only be built on oasis grass, which leads to rivalry among players for limited farmland and resources. The game adds new AI opponents (the number depending on the version of the game) and several new Arabian units purchasable from a mercenary post. The colour of the player's units have also been changed from blue to red in order to match the colours of the Knights Templar. Other than farms there are other resources such as iron ore, quarry (for stone), marshes (for oil). These resources are deposited on the stockpile and player can choose to either sell or use them for defense purposes. There are two ways to accumulate army either make the weapons and then spend a little gold to turn peasants into army men or turn them directly into soldiers using more gold via mercenary post.

There are historical chapters (mostly fictionalized) which are to be completed using the resources given to the player at the start of the missions. Along with that there are 50 levels designed with increasing difficulty. Each level has one or more Kings who you have to defeat and defend your kingdom from. There is an option of 3 chickens at the start of the level, player can use one chicken to skip a particular level.

The game contains several different characters, available to be selected as allies and enemies. The opponents from the original game make a return, as well as new Arabian lords and crusaders being available.

  •     The Rat (Duc de Puce): The Rat was raised as an only child in lands belonging to the de Puce family. The duke showed his mother favour ensuring that she never paid taxes and always had enough to get by. One day a messenger came by and it was revealed that his father was the same Duc de Puce whom his mother had once worked for as a serving wench. Due to an unfortunate accident the entire de Puce family had been lost at sea whilst returning from holiday leaving the Rat as next in line to inherit the title of Duke. As an attacking opponent,the Rat is the weakest opponent, attacking only with poorly armoured spearmen with no siege weapons and only a few archers. Defensively, the Rat is the second easiest castle to besiege after the Sultan's castle. The Rat's economy tends to be relatively stable and reliable, certainly more so than the non-farming Sultan.

  •     The Snake (Duc Beauregard): The Snake was once governor of some of the richest provinces in the homeland where he made an extremely fruitful living from underdeclaring the taxes he collected but, when the king found out, he had him posted here to the 'new colonies'. During one of his first military encounters, he went up against the Lord’s father losing an eye to him in combat. On that day the Snake swore he would not rest until the decapitated heads of your entire family were lined up on spikes outside his keep. The Snake's attacking forces are easy to kill off if a castle has adequate missile troops but the archers can prove a nuisance in the large numbers which are deployed by him. The slave raids outside of the main attacks, can like the Caliph's destroy some opponents buildings, although the Snake doesn't deploy as many slaves as the Caliph. Defensively, the Snake has a moat around his castle and lots of archers on his towers but no ballistae or mangonels so has an average defensive capability.

  •     The Pig (Duc Truffe): When the Pig was born it is rumoured he looked so hideous that his parents abandoned him in the street. Whatever the case, it is known that he was taken in by a group of traveling bandits who raided small towns and villages throughout the homeland. Whilst growing up with this small army of rogues he was vastly underfed; however, after developing a crude but effective understanding of basic military tactics and being nominated as their leader, the Pig made sure that he had first call on the best foods after each raid and has overeaten ever since. He is quite tough, and won't go down without a fight. As an attacking force, the Pig's macemen are very fast, and can manage to cause some damage to the walls and destroy several out-buildings of even the most well defended opponent. Defensively, there are large numbers of crossbowmen but no siege weapons and only one layer of low walls around the fortress. His macemen swarm if the wall is breached and can easily surround and kill attacking opponents' overeager men.

  •     The Wolf (Duc Volpe): The Wolf's past is shrouded in mystery and what is known of his history is mainly patched together from stories and unreliable rumours alone. This aside, it is believed that both his parents died from natural causes in close succession shortly after his eighteenth birthday. Both attacking and defending the Wolf is capable with flammable pitch around his fortress, mangonels, fire ballistae and crossbowmen defending his fortress and increasingly large numbers of swordsmen and pikemen in attack.

  •     Richard the Lionheart: The Lionheart has a reasonable grasp of the region's economy for a soldier, but it is in the field of battle where he is in his element. Brave and fearless, his ability to siege a castle is second to none. However defensively, despite having mangonels, archers and ballistae the Lionheart is vulnerable to fire because of the thin walls and not always enough archers on the towers to repel slave and fire ballista attacks. Enemies of the Lionheart do have to be aware of the presence of boiling oil at his fortress.

  •     Saladin: More than any other Lord, Saladin dominates the desert economy. He will be in no great rush to lead his forces out into the field, but when he strikes, it will be from a position of power. Good defensively, perhaps not as good as the Wolf, but in attack his horse archers can easily neutralise the threat from a defending opponents manned towers. However, unless there is a large force deployed towards the end of the game there will usually not be enough swordsmen and assassins to trouble a well defended enemy.

  •     The Caliph: Cruel and vindictive, the Caliph is skilled at bringing misery to both his own people and to yours. If he can get his tyrannical act together, his underhand methods of fighting will prove a constant thorn in your side. Periodic slave raids and lots of horse archers in his (relatively rare) attacks, the Caliph is likely to start a few fires at least in his opponents' buildings. Defensively, despite having no ballistae or mangonels on towers, enemies still have to be careful of burning pitch, flamethrowers and boiling oil.

  •     The Sultan: The Sultan is more...say...a poet, than a warrior, preferring feasting to the humdrum matters of running his own castle. In short not the sharpest sword in the desert. His people love him, however, and his soldiers will fight well to defend him. The worst opponent defensively, with his slingers being easily attacked by archers and with no ballistae or mangonels on his walls. However with large forces attacking, rare as that is with the Sultan, there can be large numbers of swordsmen that may prove a threat to opponents that do not train crossbowmen. The Sultan has a shaky economy because he does not grow food, takes a long time to build his castle and relies heavily on stone once all the trees have been felled as the main source of income.

The following characters only appear in Stronghold Warchest (though the first three are downloadable from the main site)

  •     Philip II of France: King Phillip seeks glory and prestige from his desert adventure. His reckless insistence on the use of his knights as his main fighting force is more often than not, his undoing.

  •     Emperor Frederick: Emperor Frederick is perhaps the best all-round strategist in the desert. There are few weaknesses in his armour and left alone he will over time become a mighty force.

  •     The Sheriff: The Sheriff is the cruelest lord in the land and easily the most underhand. He will use Arab or Crusader alike, along with every dirty castle defense he can lay his hands on, to further his own self-interest.

  •     The Nizar[disambiguation needed]: The Nizar may catch his enemies by surprise if caught unprepared for his swift and silent tactics. His island like castles are only effective on low ground and can be tricky to attack.

  •     The Wazir: The Wazir is a mean spirited leader with a fiery temper. His persistent use of horse archers make him an annoyance, although his siege technique leaves a lot to be desired.

  •     The Emir: The Emir is a kind hearted and easy going Arabian leader. A good all rounder who manages his economy effectively as well as his attack tactics...which he does...in force!

  •     The Abbot: The Abbot considers himself entrusted with the defense of his faith. His vindictive monks will continually amass in vast numbers to pull down the walls of their enemies.

  •     The Marshal (Sir Longarm from the original Stronghold): This retired fighter tends to play things a little more cautiously than he once did. The sight of his knights sallying forth from his castle is still a warning to anyone however.

The game was met with positive reviews, and according to the FireFly, is the studio's personal favorite and the favorite of the series' fans as well.
Stronghold Crusader Extreme

On January 28, 2008, Firefly Studios announced Stronghold: Crusader Extreme. It boasts "new tactical powers", "new AI opponents and maps", "new crusader extreme trail", "battles featuring over 10,000 units" and Windows Vista compatibility.[5] It was released May 28, 2008.
On August 30, 2012, Firefly Studios announced Stronghold Crusader 2, a sequel to the original Crusader game. The company said that the game would be self-published, with additional funding to be sourced via crowd-funding site Gambitious.[6][7] According to Simon Bradbury, CEO of Firefly Studios, the original title is "our favorite game, it’s our fans’ favorite game and it’s the game we have been waiting to put into production for several long years now."[8] The game is set to be released in 2014.

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Minimum System Requirements :
  Operating system: Windows 2000/ XP,/XP Media Edition/Vista.
    CPU: Pentium III 1Ghz mH
    RAM: 256MB
    HDD free: 850MB
    VGA: 128 MM

Recommended System Requirements :
    Operating system: Windows XP SP3/Vista/7
    CPU: Pentium IV 2.5Ghz
    RAM: 512MB
    HDD free: 1 GB
    VGA: 512 MB

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Selasa, 13 November 2012



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